Hodge Podge Summer

If you liked “Hot Girl Summer”, you’ll love “Hodge Podge Summer”. That’s exactly what summer of ‘22 is for us: hodge podge. I’ve got a lot of things simmering on a lot of different burners. Allow me to take you on a little tour…


Music News:

  • I’ll be hitting the road in July! I’m playing at a conference in Manton, Michigan, and then I’ll be playing at a festival in Rochester, Minnesota, along with some other gigs along the way. Keep an eye on Instagram (or DM me/email me) for details. And as always, if you want to bring me in to do a show at your church, a venue near you, or even in your own house/backyard, hit me up and we can get it on the calendar!

  • I will be making an announcement later this week that I am really excited about, but since you’ve made it to my blog, you get a tiny peek! Go to this link, and pre-save what you find there — if you do that, I will email you an advanced download of one of the songs for free!

  • I got to collaborate as a guest artist on another artist’s track. You can hear that single on July 27th. Stay tuned, because I’ll fill in the details soon!

  • My next studio album is in the works, and I’m finding whatever spare moments I have this summer to work on it. Stay posted!


Travel News:

Our family went to Arizona earlier this month. We left the day after the last day of school. In fact, Matt was in Canada, traveling for work, and he got stuck in Toronto at the last minute (thanks, Air Canada), so we had to fly directly from there to meet us in Phoenix. Very exciting. We saw the Grand Canyon, and we spent a few days in Tucson, enjoying our Airbnb’s pool and gawking at giant cacti. Also we spent some time melting; it was hot.

Shortly after we got home from Arizona, we left for Minnesota, and that brings me to a new section…

Family News:

Our daughter needed to have orthopedic surgery, and that was what brought us to Minnesota. Matt and I accompanied her there, and my mom took our boys to Nebraska for about a week. We’ve all been back in Des Moines now for a week and a half, and we are living that post-surgery family life. Lots of movies, reading time, coloring books, and other crafts. Our summer started with frantic traveling, so it has been nice to slow down — especially because, like I mentioned, July is about to get busy with more traveling (at least for me).


Thanks for following along! I hope you are having a good summer so far!




+1 year